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Information concerning the liquidity contract
Article L225-40-2
Introduced by Law n°2019-486 of May 22, 2019 – art. 198 (V)
Companies whose shares are admitted to trading on a regulated market must publish information on their website on the agreements referred to in Article L. 225-38, at the latest at the time those agreements are concluded. Any interested party can make a summary application to the presiding judge of the court to order the Board of Directors to publish this information, if necessary subject to a daily penalty for non-compliance.
This information is listed in a Decree enacted by the Council of State.
N.B.: In accordance with Article 198-V of Law no. 2019-486 of 22 May 2019, these provisions enter into force on a date determined by Decree, and at the latest on 10 June 2019.
Information - Individual investors
Eurazeo Investment Manager (EIM) and Eurazeo Mid Cap (EMC) are merging to form Eurazeo Global Investor (EGI)