Widely recognized brands: we work alongside the most promising among them to bring their ambitious projects to fruition. Our Brands teams work to provide end-to-end support and help turn their vision into reality.
New brands are rising to prominence by forging more intimate and day-to-day relationships with consumers. They are not just off ering products or services, but also experiences and the feeling of belonging to a community. They aim to be meaningful for consumers. Our task is to work with the people creating and managing these brands, while maintaining and strengthening the relationships they have with their customers and the desirability that results.
We invest in brands that understand the value associated with a high-quality digital and physical experience, that are capable of generating strong consumer commitment, and that have the potential to become longterm fixtures. Our investors based in New York and Paris accompany them with their expansion, using their experience and new technologies in combination with their topclass operational, strategic and financial expertise.
premiumbrands accompanied
officesin Paris and New York
Team Leaders

We support brands that are desirable and loved by their customers. They create strong emotional links and are developed by visionary founders and teams.